Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hamsters! Hamsters! Everywhere!!

Did you know that hamsters are the perfect pet to watch TV with? According to Roo they are! Imagine my surprise to find her "hanging out" with her hamster. Yeow!

Friday, January 2, 2009

That's How I Roll!

Santa dropped off a Wii at our place. It's been plugged in to the TV in the main gathering room of our house. It has been so much fun playing it with the kids! Who knew! There is much trash talk when all of us play bowling however. Which is good, and bad. But the comment that made it all worth it was the youngest, Rachel, when she bowled 3 strikes in a row. She looked at dad, her opponent, with excitement and a twinkle in her eye and shouted "BOOYAH! Now THAT'S how I roll" Out of the mouth of babes.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Is This For Real?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure (no, really it was!) of taking my teenage son, Travis, and his buddy, Bryan, to Mt. Hood to go snowboarding. It was fun to watch them interact with each other. They remind me of being that age and the times I shared with my best friend, Mona. It's so cool to watch Trav make memories and see him as he is with his friends. He's pretty hilarious in the teen sort of way.
Anyway, I set up "camp" in the lodge while they skiied. I found a table that was near an electrical outlet - I mean, how can I spend the day with out "plugging in"? I pulled out my laptop from my bag and set it up, connected to the internet and got ready to "work". Then I pulled out my new Blackberry phone and made sure I had cell service. Then I settled in to do my homework. This entailed watching a DVD on my laptop. So to not annoy those around me, I plugged in my headphones to my laptop and listened to the DVD, taking notes furiously. I noticed all those that walked by me and looked at me oddly. I wondered to myself "Do I have spinach in my teeth?" No, that couldn't be, I don't eat spinach! Perhaps my hair was sticking up oddly - but it was pulled back into a pony tail. No, what could cause all these people to look at me as if I was an oddity. And then it occured to me, I was the scary example of technology taking over our lives! Here I was, sitting in a place that exisits only for the enjoyment of those "connecting" with Mother Nature, and not electricity, and I was focused on a screen - whether it was the laptop or the cell phone. And ironically, neither of them were working in optimum form - I could receive e-mail, but I couldn't send. I could look at Facebook or blogs, but couldn't post anything. My cell phone just searched for service, but never found any. And I had to laugh at myself. What a sight I must have been! I put away my laptop, turned off my cell phone, and settled in to write notes to people who have been placed on my heart. Only to be interrupted by an acquaintance that I hadn't seen in many years who felt the need to "connect" again.
So we "connected" for the next 3 hours. It was an interesting experience. One that reminded me of how much I have changed since one of the most defining moments in my lifetime, my seperation with Jeff. I used to be a lot like this gal - looking for approval, handing out my resume to those who spoke with me, listing of all the "great" things I have done, putting down others to make myself feel better, engaging in gossip and slander, and focused on money. It was humbling to see who I once was in her. No, humiliating actually. I am ashamed for all the times I gossiped, or talked about the cost of whatever it was that I purchased or activity that I did. I am ashamed of all the times I judged others based on their appearance or who they hung out with. And I became very sad for this woman. She goes to church faithfully. Her children go to a private religious school. She would tell you that she's religious. And she'd be right. She is religious, she follows her religion's "laws" - but she does not have a true relationship with Jesus - that is apparent by her love of money and self. I can't help but wonder, just how many others are out there just like her, just like I was. Lost. Worshipping idols and self. Swimming in a sea of bitterness, jealousy and denial. How many people are the Pharasees of our time? I had many opportunities to share my experience with her, but didn't. How I wish I could go back in time and re-answer her questions. I was like Peter, denying knowing Christ before he was crucified. I resolve then to not waste opportunities like I did yesterday. When someone asks me "What are you studying" I will not answer vaguley..but be a pastor. I will not shrink when someone says "you seem changed". I will clearly announce why I am changed - because of Christ and his love. I will not hide my belief in miracles or downplay what Christ has done for this family. Christ saved this family. Jeff and I were reunited, not by anything I did, or Jeff did, but because it was God's will. HE reunited us. I made huge character changes - not because I had the power to do it, but because God used his power in me. My marriage has changed - again, not because Jeff and I consciously made changes, but because God changed it. We, whether Jeff realizes it or not, have molded our family, our marriage, on biblical principles. My marriage was broken, left in a pile of rubble. Christ came along, and rebuilt it on his foundation - it is stronger than ever before. Is it for real? Did Christ do all of this for real? YES! Yes, he did!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The After Christmas Crash!

Ever notice that two days after Christmas everyone crashes? Our house looks like a wrecking ball hit it and not only did it do damage to the physical stuff, but there are bodies laying about in big piles. Not literally. But honestly, there's not a person in this house that isn't lethargic and a bit crabby today. When does school start again?? Is it the crash from all the sugar consumed in the past week? Is it the crash from Santa coming and peaking the excitement? What exactly is it that causes such carnage two days after Christmas? But at any rate, as I'm laying on the couch myself, frustrated at the new phone that Santa dropped off for me because I'm technically challenged, I began to reflect a bit. And I just have to say, I am so thankful for all that has been revealed to me. I am grateful, if not privelaged, to see how God is turning some of the "ick" in my life into his glory. Situations which I thought were lost and there was no hope, relationships that I believed were irretreivably broken, all being turned into something more beautiful than before, all being used for his purposes and for greater things. It's a slow process. And don't get me wrong. I don't always see the progress. I often see roadblocks and discouragement. But today, I realized that there is much hope in each of these situations. And while the outcome may not be what I, as a human, would want it to be. It is fulfilling God's purpose and his will. And really, isn't that what it's all about? Faith is believing in the unseen - we're told this in the New Testament. I started reading a book today called "Intecessory Prayer" by Dutch Sheets. I highly recommend this to everyone. It's quite fascinating. Anyway, tomorrow I'll start putting back together what the wrecking ball has destroyed but for now, I'll get back to trying to figure out my phone. I'm going to have to resort to having the teen show me how to make it work. Sigh.

And yes, this photo with Lucy and Santa is the best Christmas picture of our family I can find right now!

Monday, December 22, 2008

More Snow!!

Jeff was thinking about taking his convertible for a "spin".....where'd it go?

What a winter wonderland we have going on in our backyard!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!

Looking out our back door. A nice new blanket of white.

Lucy's Ready to Go!

It's a sad day when you have to put a coat on your dog to take it outside......but she IS quite adorable (and Lou holding her is pretty cute too!).